How to 10x your Thinking

                                                            Access full interview here

In this episode Ferris gives us a snippet of Dr. Astro Tellers 'Moonshot thinking'. The purpose of which is to 10x your thinking and goals.


The guest this time is Dr. Astro Teller. He has a Bachelor of Science in computer science and a p.h.D in artificial intelligence. Additionally is an entrepreneur, CEO, Ted speaker and currently director of Google X laboratories.

Moonshot Thinking 

This idea stemmed JFK's idea of putting a man on the moon. At the time it was deemed nearly impossible. We now know its possible wouldn't be able to comprehend the alternative. You should thinking of 10x results, rather than 10%. The justification being it's almost never 10x to produce 100x the pay off . Teller has created a blueprint.

1. Identify huge problem that affects millions of people
2. Find or propose a radical solution
3. There has to be some reason to believe that the technology could be built

Fail Faster

The world wide web's (www) motto is "fail faster". Moonshot thinking is messy and therefore organisations need to embrace failure. Teller explains that the organisation needs to be more like Willy Wonka's chocolate factory instead of an innovation centre. He argues that an innovation centre isn't almost by definition. He strongly advocates that organisations provide the 'context' to facilitate this type of thinking.

How organisations pursue this

Somewhere between 5-10% of the organisation should be focusing on moonshot thinking. The rest of the organisation should be focusing on current operations and issues. Teller argues that if you aren't working on this you better believe your competition are.

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