
How to 10x your Thinking

                                                            Access full interview here In this episode Ferris gives us a snippet of Dr. Astro Tellers 'Moonshot thinking'. The purpose of which is to 10x your thinking and goals. Bio The guest this time is Dr. Astro Teller. He has a Bachelor of Science in computer science and a p.h.D in artificial intelligence. Additionally is an entrepreneur, CEO, Ted speaker and currently director of Google X laboratories. Moonshot Thinking  This idea stemmed JFK's idea of putting a man on the moon. At the time it was deemed nearly impossible. We now know its possible wouldn't be able to comprehend the alternative. You should thinking of 10x results, rather than 10%. The justification being it's almost never 10x to produce 100x the pay off . Teller has created a blueprint. 1. Iden...

3 Critical Rule's of Branding

                                                                            Access full interview here In this episode Ferris gives away 3 Golden nuggets for  ‘b randing'. For those of you who don't know, Ferris has a net worth of $100 million and is an avid investor. Tim Ferris Investment Portfolio 1.       Own or create a category   “Find your 1,000 true fans ” If you are competing in a market where there is a lot of noise it is difficult to effectively communicate your superior value. However, if you own or create a category there is less noise and you have an opportunity to own this space. To do this you need to be very specific about who your target audience is. Kevin Kelly, co-founder of W...

Wim Hof 'The Ice-Man'

                                                                                            Access full interview here In this Episode Ferris explores the detail's of Wim's breathing technique and how to control the body and mind to survive in extremes. This purpose of which is to be Happy, Healthy and Strong! Who is he?  Source: edlatimore Wim Hof also known at 'The Ice-Man' has 21 Guinness World Records that includes; swimming underneath ice for 70 metres, running a half marathon in the artic wearing only shorts and running a full marathon in the desert without fluids.                                           ...

Always fu***** busy!

Access full interview here Nobody wants to be branded as 'lazy', but is being 'busy' any better?  Source: Google images  In this episode Pulitzer Prize winner Tim Kreider gives us an insight into his short essay 'Lazy: A Manifesto'.  "I choose a lazy person to do a hard job. Because a lazy person will find an easy way to do it". - Bill Gates According to  Google  one definition of being busy is too "keep oneself preoccupied". While there are various definitions I believe this definition hit the nail on the hand. Many times this preoccupation is self-imposed. Kreider explains 'busy' has become a boastful default response, disguised as a complaint. Source: Google images  Plan Shopping Using the word busy gives you leverage to hold off as you 'shop' for other options. This defers you from making a concrete plan until one really takes your fancy. Guilt It inevitably...

5 Lessons Billionaire Dropbox founder Drew Houston can teach us all

Access full interview here Source: Google Images Ferris expertly teases out Houston's philosophy of business, shedding a bright light on his success. Lesson 1:  Read Houston is an avid reader and his reading list is useful for those who are interested in management, entrepreneurship, negotiation and innovation. The full list will be included below.                                 Source: Dropbox Instagram Lesson 2:  Create an OPP folder in email  Houston calls this 'Other Peoples Priorities. His reasoning is that OPP's start becoming your own, therefore this folder helps you distinctively separate the two. Lesson  3:  Focus Houston admits this advice came from watching a Netflix documentary on billionaire investor Warren Buffet who claims that focus is the largest contributor to his success. The logic is that by focusing on only one thing at a...